Final Results
- Geezer One - Sat 05-31-2014
2 Day: Total Registered: 61, with Times: 56
bs ds es fs gs hs asp bsp csp xp fp stc
sts str stx stu sm ssm ja cspl xpl fpl n
Pos. Class # Driver Car Color Day Times Total
1T bs 4 Mel Gildner Black D1 47.881 44.414 44.046 91.409
D2 54.340 47.363 47.003+1 -
1T ds 197 shawn mcallister white D1 47.562+1 44.318 42.206 87.869
D2 48.167+1 46.742 45.663 -
1T es 57 John Burlie White D1 47.670 45.392 44.420 92.126
D2 51.410 47.706 48.101 [-]0.677
2T es 35 Ellis Gildner Red D1 48.045 45.557+1 43.961 92.803
D2 50.478 65.937+dnf 48.842 +0.677
3 es 27 James Powell D1 46.491 44.418 45.585 92.823
D2 50.724+1 48.405 49.329 +0.020
4 es 7 Thomas Lipham Grey D1 46.765+7 45.176 45.115+dnf 93.301
D2 48.825 48.125 55.962 +0.478
5 es 85 paxton sharp black D1 51.986 48.550 48.299 100.607
D2 55.659 62.517+1 52.308 +7.306
1T fs 56 Corey Pettett Red D1 46.344+dnf 42.499 41.924 88.397
D2 49.333 47.252 46.473 -
1T gs 6 Brandon Mellenthin D1 48.757 44.770 44.381 93.259
D2 52.104 48.878 49.759 -
1T hs 8 Milan Rakich Blk D1 45.902 44.633+1 44.090 92.665
D2 56.461+1 48.575 54.890 [-]6.983
2 hs 2 Bruce Hurlbut D1 50.964 48.995 47.990 99.648
D2 53.421 58.262+dnf 51.658 +6.983
3 hs 211 Josh Hurlbut D1 dns
1T asp 171 Rick McPherson gray D1 43.459 41.229+1 39.919 84.843
D2 49.605 46.568+1 44.924 [-]2.031
2 asp 71 Steven McPherson Silver D1 45.486 42.030 39.902+1 86.874
D2 51.960+1 47.959 44.972 +2.031
1T bsp 126 Chris Edens Black D1 47.072 45.869 44.952 91.369
D2 46.417 45.846+1 46.572 [-]0.388
2 bsp 26 Frank Likert Black D1 47.521+1 45.847 45.360+dnf 91.757
D2 46.192 45.910 45.885+1 +0.388
1T csp 1 J. R. Mills Red D1 47.646 44.263 43.180 89.383
D2 48.548 47.355+1 46.203 [-]2.294
2 csp 11 Lance Saville D1 47.173 45.184 45.375 91.677
D2 52.848 48.829 46.493 +2.294
3 csp 4 Robert Dorlaque Blue D1 49.232 45.933 57.897+dnf 94.313
D2 51.557 48.380 47.484+1 +2.636
1T xp 4 david sigler teal D1 52.840 49.564 49.121 98.631
D2 52.585 50.249 49.510 -
2 xp 14 David Lousteau Sr. Black/Silver D1 dns
1T fp 44 Richard Davis yellow/green D1 48.107 68.804+dnf 45.311 94.413
D2 51.476+dnf 49.102 50.481 -
1T stc 14 Park Kelley Purplesque D1 53.694 51.700+2 51.878+4 103.766
D2 51.994 62.254 50.072 -
1T sts 122 John Kvetko Red D1 48.000 46.265 45.611 92.869
D2 47.421 47.856 47.258 [-]2.833
2T sts 22 Tyler Kvetko Red D1 48.457 46.530 55.634+3 95.702
D2 49.172 47.525+1 48.113+1 +2.833
3 sts 17 Martin Eric White D1 51.079+dnf 48.403 47.273+1 97.693
D2 50.211 49.134+dnf 49.290 +1.991
4 sts 95 Nelson Santos D1 53.112 52.244+1 49.551 98.985
D2 50.232 49.889 49.434 +1.292
1T str 87 Eric Davis Silver D1 48.311 45.523+4 43.509 87.655
D2 44.582 44.413 44.146 [-]5.302
2 str 99 Nelson Ireson Black D1 48.863 47.949 46.588 92.957
D2 46.369 46.705 47.194 +5.302
3 str 11 Wayne Hopkins Yellow D1 dns
1T stx 77 Alexander Hood Blue D1 52.276 49.652 49.068 98.878
D2 50.069 49.810 48.173+dnf -
1T stu 21 Ben Walker Black D1 59.233 49.428 48.605 97.113
D2 50.592 51.515 48.508 -
1T sm 106 Mike Berry Red D1 51.200 48.798+dnf 47.360 98.096
D2 53.326 50.736 52.283 [-]3.460
2 sm 6 gordon gibson Red D1 51.831 50.124 49.354 101.556
D2 57.773 53.409 52.202 +3.460
1T ssm 32 David Lousteau Jr. Green D1 44.801 40.937+1 38.990 82.182
D2 48.062 44.852 43.192 [-]2.768
2T ssm 17 Adam Cadorette Gray D1 45.064 40.589 39.972 84.950
D2 47.761 45.584+1 44.978 +2.768
3 ssm 2 Ian Ferrell red-ish D1 46.024 42.693 41.999 89.060
D2 50.110 54.721 47.061 +4.110
4 ssm 53 William Bona Mahogany Mica D1 50.209+dnf 42.974 40.554+dnf 89.063
D2 49.622 48.574 46.089 +0.003
5 ssm 7 Scott Silfies Gray D1 50.080 45.937 43.076+1 90.630
D2 51.843 48.629 45.554 +1.567
1T ja 24 Izabel Santos D1 54.968+1 42.928 67.624+dnf 86.269
D2 47.431+1 46.391+dnf 43.341 -
1T cspl 11 Sarah Saville D1 54.880 51.975 52.047 104.600
D2 58.295 52.625 53.607 -
1T xpl 4 bridget sigler teal D1 87.414 51.690 47.586 98.278
D2 52.456 50.411+1 50.692 -
1T fpl 44 Rhoda Davis yellow/green D1 57.773 53.937+dnf 48.578+dnf 111.632
D2 56.059 51.859+1 53.154+2 -
1T ngsr 11 Brady Loretz D1 48.295+1 43.286+1 43.175+1 73.872
D2 46.819 48.473 45.801 [-]2.490
2T ndsr 41 Daniel Duncan D1 48.042 46.386 50.378+dnf 76.362
D2 48.350+dnf 46.174 46.393 +2.490
3T nssp 1 Keith Little Cyber Gray D1 48.034+1 50.922+1 42.900 78.717
D2 49.430+dnf 47.372 47.993 +2.355
4T nesr 22 Mark Guenther D1 58.570 54.955+2 49.788 81.860
D2 51.774 50.405 49.077 +3.143
5T nhsr 211 D1 54.051 50.124+1 35.728+dnf 83.499
D2 53.904+5 51.731 73.770+dnf +1.639
6 nhsr 21 Aaron Hurlbut D1 53.901 86.867 52.998 84.827
D2 52.826+1 52.509 57.822 +1.328
7 nesp 44 Barry Craiglow Red D1 54.440+dnf 52.994 50.205 85.586
D2 50.871+dnf 50.604 51.019 +0.759
8 nesrl 122 Trisha Guenther D1 57.356+1 53.288 55.488 86.023
D2 52.329 51.505 50.605 +0.437
9 ncsr 38 Frank Likert green D1 55.828 52.156 50.897 86.222
D2 54.484 53.282 52.487 +0.199
10 nssm 48 Adam Hicks D1 53.152 48.320 46.618 86.635
D2 53.680 53.712 51.608 +0.413
11 nfsr 23 Gorman Smith Red D1 55.560 50.979 48.809 86.666
D2 86.678 58.117+2 55.609 +0.031
12 ncsrl 38 Debbie Likert green D1 35.225+dnf 55.656 52.578 87.314
D2 59.156 53.110+1 52.116 +0.648
13 ncsr 78 Robert Herring Black D1 59.246+dnf 53.749 52.193 88.007
D2 53.332 54.635+1 64.212 +0.693
14 ngsr 13 TRAVIS MASON Green D1 59.300+2 52.584 81.708+dnf 95.220
D2 64.933 71.944 64.682 +7.213
15 nhsr 7 Brelyn White Blue D1 95.562+1 62.329 60.732+1 96.849
D2 66.514 59.986 58.131 +1.629
16 nsm 24 Brandon Carr White D1 57.520+dnf 53.077 52.914 98.612
D2 65.334 64.383 60.434 +1.763
17 ngsr 1 Ryan MacLeod D1 55.907 50.971 49.692 dns

Top Times Of Day Time Class # Driver
Raw time 43.192 ssm 32 David Lousteau Jr.
Pax 36.994 str 87 Eric Davis
Stock 45.663 ds 197 shawn mcallister
Street Prepared 44.924 asp 171 Rick McPherson
Prepared 49.102 fp 44 Richard Davis
Touring 44.146 str 87 Eric Davis
Street Modified 43.192 ssm 32 David Lousteau Jr.
Junior Kart 43.341 ja 24 Izabel Santos
Street Prepared Ladies 52.625 cspl 11 Sarah Saville
Prepared Ladies 50.692 xpl 4 bridget sigler
Novice 37.190 ngsr 11 Brady Loretz